The definition of a Makerspace is a place in which people with shared interests, especially in computing or technology, can gather to work on projects while sharing ideas, equipment, and knowledge.
What better place to incorporate a Makerspace than in our classrooms? The traditional style of learning is that the teacher lectures the students and hands them content with only one possible outcome. By adding a Makerspace to your school or classroom, you will be allowing your students to use their own skills, encourage them to work through challenges and make discoveries with more than one possible solution.
This style of learning will give students the chance to adapt to changes and have trials and errors until they find a solution. It will prepare them for real world scenarios and enhance their STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics) skills.
If your school isn't ready to take on a full Makerspace, it is a good idea to incorporate some of that in an area of your classroom to allow the collaboration between students and really challenge their brains.
A Makerspace may be something new and foreign to you as it is to many teachers, which can make it an overwhelming process. That is why authors Sylvia Martinez and Gary Stager decided to write a book, '
Invent to Learn', to help teachers like you ease the process. Their book highlights eight characteristics of a thriving Makerspace:
Purpose and relevance. Is the project personally meaningful to students, so they feel invested in it?
Time. Have you given students enough time to plan, carry out, test, and revise their work?
Complexity. Does the problem require knowledge from multiple subject areas to solve?
Intensity. Does the project provide an outlet for students to deeply engage with the material?
Connection. Are students collaborating with each other or connecting with powerful ideas and/or experts from around the world to solve a problem?
Access. Do students have sufficient access to materials and information to complete their project?
Shareability. Does the project provide an opportunity for students to share their work with an authentic audience outside of school?
Novelty. Does the project represent a fresh idea? (If you’re assigning the same tasks to students every year, they can simply draw upon prior students’ experiences rather than reaching their own discoveries.)
Another good source when considering a Makerspace, is the below Vlog from one of our most trusted manufacturers, Paragon. Watch the below video on "How Do You Create A Makerspace In Your School" by President and Co-owner of Paragon, Mark Hubbard.
Kay-Twelve knows the importance of a Makerspace and that is why we offer a variety of Makerspace furniture from leading brands in classroom furniture and equipment, such as Paragon, TeacherGeek, MooreCo, CEF Inc and more. Below you can find some of our most popular components for a flourishing Makerspace.
Paragon's Maker Invent Table and Maker Ideaboard

CEF's ED Table with Power

MooreCo's Makerspace Mobile Table with Makerspace Tub Carts

TeacherGeek's Maker Cart - The Ultimate STEM / STEAM / Maker Solution

Whether you are in the beginning stages of creating a Makerspace and need some guidance or if you know what you want and would like to receive a quote, please click the button below to get in touch with your local Kay-Twelve rep. We are happy to help and guide you through the process from beginning to end.
