The Rocker Ott Seating Solution

The Rocker Ott Seating Solution

What is Rocker Ott?

Does your classroom need a flexible seating option to acknowledge all of the different ways that students learn? Well, the Rocker Ott series is a lightweight solution that supports many different student preferences. Rocker Ott also encourages movement and fidget naturally that can help learners release excess energy while still staying focused on the classroom material.

What Does the Rocker Ott Look Like?


The Ultimate Homeschool Addition

Your home was never intended for remote learning, but your kids need the right tools to learn and stay engaged. Your hardwood kitchen chair isn't giving them the support they need.

The Rocker Ott - a lightweight, flexible seating solution that can be used in a variety of positions - gives you your solution. With a round design that is flat on one side, the Rocker Ott offers subtle movement to support different learning styles. This subtle movement can assist with concentration in some learners and is designed to maximize engagement from students who prefer some movement while learning or working. Its flexibility makes it an ideal option for contemporary learning environments, whether that is the classroom, the home, or even the library!



Need Help With A Project?

Whether you’re updating your classroom, office, librarySTEM spacecomputer lab or starting a Makerspace, revamp your learning environment with design services from Kay-Twelve. Our design experts will help you find that perfect learning environment. Just book a call with one of our experts to get you started in the right direction!


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  • Daisy Chow

    Mar 28, 2022

    Daisy Chow

    I would like to have a quote of ROCKER OTT seating. Your prompt reply will be much appreciated. Thank you.

  • Daisy Chow

    Mar 28, 2022

    Daisy Chow

    I would like to have a quote of ROCKER OTT seating. Your prompt reply will be much appreciated. Thank you.

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