While students may only be 20%-25% of our population today, they are 100% of our future. That is why education is one of the most important investments a country can make and the sole purpose for the existence of the Better Learning Podcast.

The Better Learning Podcast brings on valued guests that talk about ways we can improve education for our kids. Because after all, they are 100% of our future!



February 1, 2023

Adam Bellow began his career in the classroom as a High School English teacher. He has worked as a technology training specialist, Director of Educational Technology, and is highly sought after as a speaker and thought leader on educational technology. 

Adam is a serial EdTech entrepreneur and was the founder of the eduTecher, eduClipper, WeLearnedIt, and eduGames. Currently, Adam is the co-founder and CEO of Breakout EDU, the educational gaming platform that inspires learners to think outside the box by solving complex problems together. Prior to Breakout, Adam served as a Presidential Innovation Fellows for the Obama White House as well as having served as a board member of the EdCamp Foundation and an advisor to Alma, a modern SIS.
He is also the co-founder of two amazing kids.


Episode 104 of the Better Learning Podcast


Kevin Stoller is the host of the Better Learning Podcast and Co-Founder of Kay-Twelve, a national leader for educational furniture. Learn more about creating better learning environments at www.Kay-Twelve.com.


Education Leaders' Organization (ELO):

Education Leaders' Organization (ELO)

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Second Class Foundation

Second Class Foundation


If you are interested in being on the show or know someone who would be a great guest, please visit the Better Learning Podcast website.